Convolution of Informatics and Biomedical Sciences On Glocal Alliances, CIBoG | WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), Nagoya University

Shaoxiang DANG


School Nagoya University Graduate School of Informatics
Department/Division Department of Intelligent Systems
Specialty Information Processing
Experience Python

I am currently involved in research on sound segregation in complex environments where it is difficult to recognize sounds. The goal of the research is to segregate simultaneous sounds in order to recognize them in a complex environment. In the future, I would like to make useful medical tools using artificial intelligence-based technology. For example, the use of artificial intelligence will make it possible to realize quicker and more accurate diagnoses based on cardiac sounds in combination with other data such as computed tomographic images and electrocardiograms. Information technology has the potential to become a useful part of healthcare, by solving medical problems with patients' medical findings as data. Through this project, I would like to actively acquire expertise and medical knowledge in order to become a researcher who can conduct research that integrates informatics and biomedical sciences. In the future, I would like to contribute to eliminating wrong diagnoses, alleviating pain, and promoting health and longevity of all people.