Convolution of Informatics and Biomedical Sciences On Glocal Alliances, CIBoG | WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), Nagoya University



School Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Department/Division Immunometabolism
Specialty Medicine, Chronic Inflammation
Experience Two years of clinical experience as a junior resident after graduating from medical school

Through clinical lectures and experiences at the school of medicine, I became interested in lifestyle-related diseases and chronic inflammation, which underlies lifestyle-related diseases. During the two years of junior residency after graduation, I became aware that medicine as a science is the same as medical care in clinical settings. I also realized that clinical practice is built on a vast amount of medical knowledge accumulated over many years. Now I want to conduct research to elucidate the pathophysiological significance of chronic inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome, focusing particularly on obesity and aging. My goal is to become a researcher who plays a role in medicine based on understanding the pain experienced by patients, in other words, a researcher who acts as a bridge between basic science and clinical medicine. In the CIBoG program, I will make efforts to expand my knowledge in areas other than my specialty and to make creative research achievements in order to contribute to society.