Convolution of Informatics and Biomedical Sciences On Glocal Alliances, CIBoG | WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), Nagoya University

Masahiro Nishimura


School Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Department/Division Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy
Specialty Rehabilitation
Experience Currently working part-time at a hospital

My current research topic is the development of methods to detect the risk of falls and to objectively evaluate physical function using biological information in a wide range of people, including those who live independently and those who are receiving medical care or support in medical or nursing care facilities. I am exploring ways to apply the expected outcomes of this research to the evaluation of various body movements. In the future, I want to establish a new academic field that integrates medicine, engineering, and informatics. To begin with, I will study the interrelationship between medical information and various kinds of biological data obtained from measurement. I will then conduct research to develop an algorithm that makes it possible to comprehensively analyze a set of data that includes clinical information and motion characteristics in individuals. I will use results of such an analysis for individualized preventive care and improvements in daily activities. Furthermore, my research activities aim also to apply research achievements to society by developing an application using such an algorithm. I hope that such an application will help people be more conscious about their health, and hopefully reduce medical and nursing care expenses as well.