Convolution of Informatics and Biomedical Sciences On Glocal Alliances, CIBoG | WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), Nagoya University

Takeru Shiina


School Nagoya University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department/Division Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Bioengineering
Specialty image processing

It is currently possible to obtain high-resolution 3-dimensional images of specimens with accuracy on the order of micrometers using an X-ray imaging system called micro computed tomography (micro-CT). The respiratory system branches repeatedly from the central to peripheral airways. The peripheral airways have a complicated microscopic 3-dimensional structure with alveolar ducts surrounded by alveoli. I am currently conducting research to develop a technique to analyze micro-CT images of the structures in lung specimens. When I was studying informatics, I constantly felt that I needed knowledge of biomedical sciences to conduct further research in medical image processing. In addition, it is important to have communication skills to interact with researchers in other fields and those who speak different languages.
I would like to be a researcher who can be actively involved in interdisciplinary work utilizing knowledge, experience, and personal connections from in this program to reduce the number of people who suffer from disease.